Jpgs can be painted with all manner of digital devices or outputted on paper to be colored by hand. The top image is part of of a collection originally done for my grandson. Because of its complexity, he asked that it be imported into his ipad for coloring.
Directly above is from my Vladimir Putin series. It is a hi resolution aliased jpeg called "the re-heartsouling of putin". From Acrobat, one can achieve the same degree of quality by saving the file as a jpeg from any of the pdfs found on this Web site.
Now, the rendering below was created to be shown at 36" wide by 24"deep. I call it a "field". And the Putin piece, which me refers to as a "crop", was in large part pulled from the field along with 64 other crops. As for my inscription, this field is titled "one imagined tiny realm of heaven b". Though anyone who colors or crops one of my beginnings should also invent their own name. Therefore better ensuring the preferred meaning and appropriate rights of entitlement to their version.