Store enough fond memories of your playmates, friends and co-workers as you can in order to crowd out unhappiness brought on by bouts of disappointment, frustration and impatient maturity.
—Andy Denny Attiliis
Over seven millennium ago some of our ancestors were known as the Hominini Tribe. Considering their challenges compared to now helps me realize that human nature has ever changed for the better. Which bodes well for our future.
—Andy Dennis Attiliis
What a blessing to experience the various qualities of a friend's character beginning to coincide with those of your own. Thus coming to feel the bonds of your relationship growing stronger and more secure than ever.
—Andy Dennis Attiliis
Swearing to God is such a serious declaration because it soufully suggests that God only gives approval to one truth at a time. Thus making it worthy of divine intervention.
—Andy Dennis Attiliis
How excruciatingly difficult to become one's best friend. To lose that over a quarrel of any severity is an afront to self esteem and the essence of love.
—Andy Dennis Attiliis
To recommend, in a palatable way, that peace is possible in the near future calls for examples. Keep closest to the surface of my heart those that are dearest to me to best make my point.
—Andy Dennis Attiliis
—Denny Attiliis