Whenever you find yourself in a disagreement, do not explain your side of it beyond what you know to be absolutely true True!
Never hurt another no matter what the cost (property, money, time, work, etc).
Instead, always strive to ask so to understand why the other feels as they do. So that upheaval is replaced by genuine interest.
—Dennis Attiliis
Everyone on earth, from their disposable incpme, should contribute an amount proportional to every other financial circumstance for the cause of mutual reward, healing, futuristic discovery and any other endeavor conducive to
ending war.
Never turn down a reasonable compromise. Because a Good faith agreement should always adjustable whenever the passing of time further proves the sincerity of both sides.
In addition to the subject at hand,
both sides of every debate should be aware of the extra Good its outcome could do for other human concerns such as earth and space travel. Because unexpected revelation will not help anyone by just taking space in the closet of each mind.
—co-artist heartsoulist
Whenever your child, friend, parent,
acquaintance expresses an interest in knowing how to do something that you can do, please don’t hesitate to share everything that you know on the subject. What they do with it is more likely to help rather than hinder your loved ones.
—Denny Attiliis