My promise is to not stop furthering co-creativy until I have effectively asked everyone to submit their best idea for achieving world peace. For me to believe that peace on earth is actually possible, I had to draw a tiered auditorium containing 99 normally successful lives. Each with different agendas but traditionally similar ambitions. In addition, there was one extraordinarily powerful individual with enough influence to help guide humanity towards a dangerous path. All were brought together for a vote on the best way forward. Should we use conflict or conversation to decide what will best work best for everyone everywhere. Having studied this art for 8 years, my anticipation in such a situation is that conversation would win unanimously. Just a bit of time, research, patient waiting and coloring equals successful idea formulation. In recent years, coloring books have become more ambitious than ever before. Herein heart brain heartsoul, for example, there be pages of writing combined with drawing that are also meant to be colored. Works so big and complex they could be cropped into quite a few different views with juxtapositions intriguing enough to spark your own addition of words and images. Exceptional words and feelings that will ever help everyone invent new ways to compliment and revere one another. So it was not until I totally accepted the fine art potentials of adding digitalization to the process that most things my mind is able to imagine have become possible.
Also, I found this wonderful Web site called Yumpu that allows me to present excerpts of my upcoming book in very cool ways. As double page spreads and larger single pages, with both versions capable of being magnified 2.5 times. You can reach this showing by clicking on the blue green button down below.
...and have drawn a bunch more. These concepts that include as much as a page of copy and more are going to be real challenges—whether rendered digitally or by hand. They have made me learn to look at typography for its graphic presence rather than what it says. So to enable coloring according to one's creatively visual inclinations which can be quite exciting. Makes one want to turn a work in progress around and upside down in order to see and feel its development from every single angle. After finishing the one I am doing with my old MacBook, there is this persistent thought that won't let go. It involves my very old hands, kid's stickers, scissors and Staple's outputting a 36"wide x 24"deep black and white print for me to color on and deciding which image that I want to try first. Please see what I am talking about.
Presently, there are 6 free collections called hbhsComplexNew available at Downloads