My long held contention that co-creativity will forever provide the best answers still seems to be in tact. How else could I have ever conceived of a work like heart brain heartsoul without being inspired by an array of outside influences? There are those who watch my progress, those who could be moved to participate and those who wonder about my image selection for the name introduction. As its two actors greet one another at different stages of their personal development on identical wheels that are divided into 36 human characteristics each. So it is fair to consider that human oppositions may partly be the result of learning the same truths at the different times of one's development. Thus causing the altruism innate within us all to flounder a bit before reaching the surface simultaneously in time to consciously invent all manner of blessed miracles together. Which could precipitate the allowance of better times to peacefully consider all of the earthly and celestial inventions that await our recruitment. So to finally embark on a harmonious path known as WORLD PEACE 2 – as we all quietly sing along to the healing humming of John Lennon’s “Imagine” which quietly loops on from the auditorium wings of everyone’s mind. ( more )
The achievement of peace on earth had always seemed so impossible to me. Not until my retirement, when the burdens of work were lifted, was there enough air, life experience and time at my brain’s disposal to also consider heart and soul. In order to advance such a study, I decided to render in writings and drawings my own perceptions as they related to a human being’s most praiseworthy characteristics. Even having gotten substantially finished with another project, a book on branding for small businesses, the lure of such indispensable endeavor caused me to put the logos and such aside for good. Because as the seriousness of earth’s problems were steadily increasing, I just couldn’t see how anything was more important than world peace.
Especially so because our daughters were just completing their educations with such high hopes for the future. How their mother and I wanted them to at least have the same chances and joyful optimism that we have both enjoyed throughout our lives. Ergo, with a work history that has mostly been comprised of commercial art, my focus on eliminating war could not help but spring from the adventures that we overcame while striving to understand the creative process. The practice of which, during my years of searching, has turned out to be the only dynamic action that I believe is capable of making sure humankind reaches fruition much sooner than later. Thus my resolve was strengthened to proceed developing what would likely become decades of rendering heartfelt configurations for the world to complete. Each with content and quality appealing enough to inspire the sharing of their favorite way to encourage peace.
Partially due to the close relationship that an artist must sometimes endure with their own ego I actually believe that for such a cause as finally working together, everyone in the world will agree to coloring, naming, possibly otherwise enhancing, owning and potentially sharing one of my line drawings. And if everyone participates, the odds of us all eventually working on everything together will soar. In addition, I know from working full-time on heart brain heart soul since 2009, that the comfort felt from collaboratively contributing personal feelings on the matter provides great comfort. Even when so many untenable rationalizations for violent confrontations are presented every day.
Of the 710+ works planned for this project, the majority are now ready to be seen and freely downloaded for you to finish by visiting
The balance will be added soon along with new work as it is completed.